On paper, Nigeria might appear to be one of Africa’s most prosperous nations. The West African country is one of the world’s leading oil producers, but few Nigerians benefit from this natural bounty due to unequal distribution of wealth and underutilization of these resources for the good of the common folk. In recent news, the imposition of Islamist rule in parts of the country and the rise of Islamist groups, such as Boko Haram, have made it a difficult place to be a Christian. But, the family of God is growing in Nigeria and the Sowers Fund has been able to provide funds to many of our Nigerian brothers and sisters.

Eric Kimbiga is a young man living in the capital city of Abuja, and works as a security guard — a job that is dangerous and does not pay well. Eric was hoping to make himself more employable by learning how to drive. While obtaining a driver’s license might seem simple, attending driving school in Nigeria is very expensive and is not always an option for young people who are hoping to improve their employment options. Through funding provided by the Sowers Fund, Eric has been able to attend driving school and obtained his license this year. With his license, Eric is now able to apply for a wider range of work opportunities and support himself in the future.